It truly is amazing how present God is everywhere we have gone in the past five days. Today we headed back to back to Thomas Rodriguez where our group split up into three teams. The first group set out into the village seeking out families and praying with them. The second group spent most of there day helping with Josè (a leader in the community) put the finishing touches on his home. I was a part of the third group where we spent the whole day playing with the kids. It was amazing being able to hang out with these wonderful children who accepted me and let me have a glimpse into their lives. I found myself in many places I had never seen before in the previous days we have been in this Community. The group of about eight children lead me to some of their favorite spots. I ended up eating about eight delicious mangos and played multiple games of soccer around the dirt road that encompasses the village. I was then lead into one of the children's homes where I sat and stayed for quite some time with the children and their mother. She fed me some of the delicious bread she was making over the fire and then we left. God's presence here in El Salvador is undeniable. He is doing great works through the people of SOI and has been molding my heart in ways like never before these past five days. It is truly an honor to be able to spend time with these children and grow with them.
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