Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Incredible first day

Today was unlike any day I have ever been through. We got up bright and early to visit some extremely impoverished slums, or commonly referred to as developing communities. While visiting, two elderly ladies welcomed us into their homes and we got a glimpse of what it would be Ike to live in these communities. The majority of the houses were made up of sheets of tin, bamboo, and clay. Did it look like a comfortable living situation? Not really, but the families were not hindered by it because of their faith in God. The families knew that in some way, God will provide their needs for them. 

During the late morning and early afternoon, we spent time at a local government school. We split up into three group and went to teach English classes, take part in a PE course, and cooked/handed food out to the children's. It's incredible how much God has blessed this community and these children because there is so much joy and happiness here. Something as little as hugging a child, or picking them up brings them so much excitement which allows us the opportunity to show them more of Christ's love.

We also had the opportunity in the evening to teach an English class, ages ranging from teenagers to adults. We were able to read an English/Spanish duel translation Bible with the people in one on one sessions. This made the experience more personal and gave us the chance for us to help them speak English and them to help us speak Spanish. 

 I pray everything is going well with everyone back in the states, God bless and thank you for your prayers.

-team Salvador 

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